Friday, March 1, 2013

Merck & Co. settles Vioxx case for $58M - Washington Business Journal:
Vioxx was pulled from the market in 2004 after studielinked long-term use to increased heartf attack or stroke Merck (NYSE: MRK) of Whitehouse Station, N.J., is not admittin g to any wrongdoing as part of the The company's executive vice presideny and general counsel, Bruce Kuhlik, said the "agreementg enables Merck to put this matter behind us and focuse on what Merck does developing new medicines." Maryland Attorney General Douglazs Gansler alleged that Merck violated the Consumer Protectiom Act by failing to inform consumers that the use of Vioxsx could cause serious cardiovascular side effects. Merckj denied that allegation.
"Consumers have a right to know about the side effectss that their medicationscan cause," Ganslet said in a statement. "This judgment will help ensure that Mercmk provides that information to consumers inthe future." In additionj to the payment, Merck agreeds to no longer engage in positive articles about its products that appear in medical refrain from using scientifivc data deceptively when marketing to delay any direct-to-consumer television advertising for a pain medicatiom if recommended by the FDA, submity all TV advertising campaigns to the FDA beforse release for review, and adhere to any FDA The settlement includes Arkansas, Arizona, California, Florida, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nebraska, Nevada, Nortb Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Southb Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Washington, Wisconsin and the District of Merck said Tuesday that it took a $55 million pretac charge in the first quart er "in anticipation of this Merck has also allocated $4.
5 billion to settle the tens of thousandsd of private lawsuits filed against the company by people who used the

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Dish gets stay, TiVo shares fall - Business Courier of Cincinnati:
Alviso-based TiVo (NASDQ:TIVO) closed the day at A legal battle between TiVo and Dish has been simmerintg more than four years over technology that lets userse record and rewindlive television. In June TiVo sharesw soared more than 53 percent after a judge ruled in its favofr and awarded the companyanother $103 million in the lengthy patent dispute with and Dish. TiVo had sued EchoStar over whetherf some of its DVR technology violatesTiVo patents. Dish Network (NASDAQ:DISH) used to be part of EchoSta (NASDAQ:SATS). It split into two companies at the starftof 2008.
A jury founsd in 2007 that software inDish Network'w set-top boxes violated TiVo patents coverinbg DVR playback features, like the ability to pause and rewind live programmin while the DVR continues to record. Dish Network reprogramme d millions of its DVRs after the 2007 verdicrt witha “workaround” it said removed any infringinf software. But TiVo claimed Dish Network’s software continued the old patenty violation and sought the contempt verdict from theTexaws court.
Dish Network has already paid nearlyy $105 million of the damages and interest from the initiao infringement judgement and hasanother $27 million in escroew for TiVo, according to Securitiew & Exchange Commission filings.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Double indemnity: Day Four in the Caebrwyn libel case - NOTTINGHAM CITY COUNCIL LOLS (blog)


Double indemnity: Day Four in the Caebrwyn libel case


In the matter of indemnities, Mr James wanted us to know that he found the alleged attempt by Mrs Thompson's solicitors to check to see if the council costs would cover some of hers 'most hypocritical'. He emphasi sed his sense of repugnance. Of course ...

and more »

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Discover Mediaworks hires new president - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
Irving Chung, who has worked at New York City-based ad agenciews such as , , most recently worked at in San His resume includes the management of multimillion dollar accounts forProcter & Gambl e and Diet Coke. Chung will overser the company’s growth into new media properties, integratef communications, interactive marketing and high-definition video products, accordingb to Mark Rose, Discover Mediaworks’ chief executivwe officer. At Discover Mediaworks, Chung will also guided the company’s broadcast expansion of new television and onlin properties such asFamily Inc. and Trailk Nation.
Discover Mediaworks’ flagship medi a programs include "Discover Wisconsin" television and radiol shows and "Into the Outdoors." The firm has its corporatr office in Eagle River and production facilitiezsin Madison.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Boston Business Journal:
But with every new product introduction, glitchex are commonplace, and business owners have to be awarde of some ofthe technology's "VoIP does not have the universal quality of a traditional phone line," said Tim Searcy, chief executive of the American TeleServicee Association. "And you are movinv to a heavily softwareebased solution, which means more programmers are involved."" The Indianapolis organization represents the $500 billiom call center industry and advocates members' interests on Capitol Hill and in statehouses providing professional education opportunities and acting as the sector's informatiojn clearinghouse.
Raymond Shaw, president of the Association ofTeleServicea International, said companies need to be cognizanyt of bandwidth availability. If there isn't a dedicated connectiojn between a business and itsVoIP provider, he said transmissiomn delays can occur, causing bad receptionj or jumbled communication. VoIP services convertr voice into a digital signal that travels overthe Internet. If a user is calling a regularphone number, the signal is converted to a regularf telephone signal before it reaches its destination. VoIP can allosw a user to make a call directly from a a specialVoIP phone, or a traditionakl phone connected to a special adapter.
In addition, wirelesxs "hot spots" in locations such as airports, parksa and cafes allow users to connect to the Internet and may enablee VoIPservices wirelessly. Despite some technical glitches, VoIP subscriptionas have skyrocketed in thelast year. According to the D.C. research firm TeleGeography, Internet-based telephons services grew 21 percent in the second quartedto 6.9 million users. Overall, the VoIP market saw a 153 percen t increase in subscriptions comparedto mid-2005, whiles industry revenues for the seconxd quarter increased 173 percent to $607 millionh compared to the $221 million in salese a year ago.
"VoIP is rapidlyh spreading among multiple enterprise solutions which have multiple locationsx around the country andthe world, " said Matthew D'Uva, president of the Society of Consumer Affairs Professionals in Business. The Alexandria, Va.-baseed organization is dedicated to improvinv and advancing the marketplace for consumers withinh thecorporate structure. SOCAP members include consumer affairs and customed care professionals from more than 1500 differentcompaniesw -- many of whichj are listed in Fortune/Forbes 1000. "Our memberss are looking for ways to improve and enhancew communication with their customers from all and VoIP is one channel todo that,"" D'Uva said.
While installation and servicr fees vary by stateand provider, VoIP services typicallyg costs less than traditional phone VoIP systems can cost anywherd from no charge up to $200 per month but will generallty cost $10 to $50 per month dependingh on the type of services ordered. VoIP can be free when the servic routes a from PCto PC, but the pric e increases based on the number of local and long distance calls made and the featurews a company implements. Today, most businessd VoIP services can provide a firm with a varietyof features, rangintg from $20 to $200.
Business VoIP provider commonl y includea T-1 Internet connection and a guarantee for quality of service which increases the According to the latest research on , Virginia-basedf SunRocket Inc. was given the highest rating of six To getthe $16.58 monthly rate for unlimitee minutes, businesses must prepag for the entire year, which is but can cancel any time and get a refunx for unused months. Since SunRockeyt includes all taxesand surcharges, a firm makes the $199 payment up front and then is able to make unlimite d local and long distancre calls for the next 12 Most other companies charge taxes and surchargesw on top of their listec rates.
SunRocket also throws in $3 free international callinbg per month, a free extrs phone number and two free directory assistance calls per month with theirunlimitedr plans. The company also is waiving their $39.95 equipment fee when a firm signsd up forthe $199 annual plan. By comparison, ITP, Lingo, ViaTalk and Packet8 receivesdthree stars, which were the lowest rankings. and VoIP Your Life fell in the middle ofthe Cox, Comcast, Cablevision, and Time Warner are also rolling out VoIP offerings Perhaps the greatest benefit of VoIP systems is the flexibilityy of the Internet versua regular phone lines.
"This flexibility with VoIP fostersa greaterorganizational efficiency, higher productivity gains and increase d revenue potential," D'Uva said, but cautioned that VoIP is a relatively new and expanding technology, "so issues of security and even network power still need be addressed as VOIP continued to evolve." Computers, Technologyu and Telecommunications

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Southwest move good for travelers - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
But Midwest, battered by high fuel costxs and theeconomic downturn, is a shelp of what it once was due to significant cuts of stafgf and routes. Its moves have changed the competitivw landscape in Milwaukee and opened the door for twoof Midwest’ws big competitors — AirTran Airways and Southwes t Airlines — to come into the market. Southwest announcef last week that it will start servicr inMilwaukee Nov. 1 with up to 10 daily flights.
This comesd at the same time AirTran, whicj tried to acquire Midwest twoyears ago, keepsz expanding its service in an attemp t to gobble up the market share lost by The resulting “air is good news for Milwaukee-area business most of whom are looking for deals in the current tough economy. Southwest’s entry into the market will mean increased competitioj and likely will lead tolower fares. Southwest’s entrt also will expand the customerr base for General MitchellInternational Airport. Southwest has a big followingt at Midway Airport in Chicago and northern Illinois residents likely will be enticed by the shorteer drive to Milwaukee to catch a Southwest flight.
The announcement also is good economicf development news during the ongoingtougb times. Southwest CEO Gary Kelly vows to hire up to 45 employeee to start and growMilwaukee “into a very substantial operation” for the airline.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

N.J. tax amnesty brings revenue windfall - Baltimore Business Journal:
New Jersey expected to generate $100 million when the 45-daty program was launched, but at its close last week had collected morethan $600 million in back taxed owed. Final revenue could increase byanothere $50 million to $100 million once the remaininb 17,500 envelopes are opened and processed, the Governor’s Office New Jersey’s program, which ran from May 4 to June 15, permittesd those owing back taxes from Jan. 1, 2002 and to Feb. 1, to settle up without penalty and for half the interest Of the collections processedto date, 56 percent were for the corporation business tax, 23 percent for salexs and use taxes and 14 percenf for gross income tax.
A vote on a final budgef for New Jersey isexpected Gov. Jon S. Corzine woulrd like to see the additiona l revenue be put toward propertuytax relief, which was slated to be eliminatede for all but senioras and the disabled to address an up to $9 billiohn deficit in fiscal year 2010. In state Rep. John C. Bear, R-Lancaster, is pitching legislatio for a one-time tax amnesty program as a budgeg fix forhis state. The bill would permi a 90-day tax amnesty period during 2009-10 fiscal The bill is in the HouseFinances Committee. “New Jersey has confirmed that this is a perfecf time for a tax amnesty program to succeed in said Bear. “We are facing a $3.
2 billionn budget deficit and New Jersey’a successful program should vividly illustrate that such a program can collectt hundreds of millions in or more, already owed to the state.” Pennsylvania’ss last tax amnesty program, which occured more than a decades ago, brought in $93 million, Bear said. Revenu e from a tax amnestyu program could be used to addressthe state’as budget deficit, instead of Gov. Ed Rendell’s proposall to raise the state income taxfrom 3.07 percent to 3.57 Bear said. The governor’s proposed 16 percentg increase in the personal income tax rate woulx generateabout $1.
5 billion a year in new revenued and amount to about $250 more per year for a familyt earning $50,000. “Now — during this dire budget crisis — is the time for a new tax amnestyg program to be putin place,” Bear

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Onyx sues Bayer for rights to Nexavar spinoff - San Francisco Business Times:
Fluoro-sorafenib — a compoundf with the same chemical structureas Nexavar, except that a singlee fluorine atom is substituted for a hydrogen atom was discovered during joint researcuh between Onyx (NASDAQ: ONXX) and Bayer, the company said in the suit filexd in U.S. District Courtf for the Northern Districtof California. The compound, Onyx claimedf in the suit against andBayert AG, is jointly owned undet the Onyx-Bayer 1994 collaboration Discussions with Bayer about Onyx’s rightes to fluoro-sorafenib were not Onyx said. Nexavar, also known as sorafenib, selles for about $5,000 in the United States.
It is approvede against liver cancer and advanced kidnet cancer but has been studiedfor non-small cell lung cancer, breast cancer and other cancers. Most Nexavar failed a late-stage trial to treay a form of Nexavar registered net salews worldwideof $178 million in the first quarter, and Onyx recentlgy said net sales for the full year shoule be $850 million to $875 The Onyx-Bayer partnership has been one of the biopharmaceutical industry’s longesty and most successful, and Onyx stressed in a press releaser Sunday that it continues to work with Bayer in the development and commercialization of Nexavar.
The companiew later this month will present data at the American Society for Clinical Oncology annual meetingin Orlando, Fla., from Nexavar studies in hepatocellular renal cell carcinoma, thyroird cancer, lung cancer, acute myeloid leukemia and gastricf cancer. Onyx and Bayer split developmenty costsworldwide 50-50, except in Japan wher e Bayer is responsible for all development costs, and Bayer books Nexavar revenue. Outside the United Statesa and Japan, Bayer has exclusive marketing rightsto Nexavar, whic h is a registered trademark of Bayer HealthCarw Pharmaceuticals, and shares profits with Onyx 50-50.
“Againstf that background, we are disappointedx that we could not resolve this matter and believee this complaint is necessary to protect our rights and the rightds of our shareholders under the collaboration Greg Giotta, vice president and chief legal counsep of Onyx, said in a prepared

Monday, January 14, 2013

Legislator wants Nixon to cut stimulus money for Kokam battery plant - South Florida Business Journal:
Kokam’s , to be dubbed Summit Battery would employ an estimated 900 people with averagwe annual salariesof $40,000. Kokam Presiden t Don Nissanka has said he hopeas to break ground before the end of the probably at a site of more than 40 acresa in the vicinityof Kokam’s current 50,000-square-foot Lee’zs Summit plant. Nissanka was out of the country Mondayand couldn’t be reached for Kokam, a startup founded in October 2005, burst into the limelight this year. picked Kansas City for an assemblyg facility largely becauseof Kokam’s proximity.
And with federalo stimulus dollars and state moneyhseeking advanced-battery-makers, a joint venture involvinvg Kokam landed a commitment in April of nearly $145 million in incentiveas from Michigan to build a battery plantr there that’s similar to the one planned locally. The groupp also applied for federalstimulus money. R-Columbia, sent a letter to Nixon on Thursday proposintg that financing be cutby $11.5 million combined for Kokam’s Lee’s Summit plangt and another battery plant in Joplin to help preserved $31.2 million in financing for the in Columbia, whicgh Schaefer called the cornerstone of a $200 milliom hospital project.
“Every indication that I’mm getting is that (Nixon) intendw to veto the money forthe hospital,” Schaefer adding that Nixon’s veto probably would kill the entire $200 millionn project. “Spending public funds on a cancefr hospital owned by the citizens of Missouri is alwayas going to win out over giving public funds to a privatw company for abattery plant,” Schaefer said. “Nobody has told me that the lowed amount wouldkill (Kokam’s Lee’sd Summit) project.” Nixon spokesman Scott Holste said the governof will have an announcement aboutt the budget bill before June 30, the end of Missouri’sw fiscal year.
Nixon and his stafgf have been reviewing the budgegtbill “line by line to determine what the statew can afford,” Holste said, and they want to keep central servicezs in place. Jim Devine, CEO of the l, said he thoughyt Schaefer’s proposal was “nort as serious” a threat as the EDC firsf thought, “but you never know in politics.” The EDC issuex a release Friday encouraging Nixon to keep theKokam plant’s financing fully in place.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Poorer Americans 'Trapped In World The Gun Nuts Have Made' - Hartford Courant


Poorer Americans 'Trapped In World The Gun Nuts Have Made'

Hartford Courant

In the aftermath of the Newtown shootings, the national conversation on gun control is supposedly getting serious. To me, it looks like both sides are sticking to their familiar entrenchments. Still, there are glimmers of hope that some common-sense ...

Biden p ledges urgent Obama action on gun control - - News ...


Friday, January 11, 2013

Patrick Cudahy parent Smithfield posts 3Q loss - Kansas City Business Journal:
In a release before the market opened on thecompany (NYSE: SFD), based in Smithfield, Va., reported a loss of $103.1 or 72 cents a for the quarter that ended Feb. 1. This compares with earning of $54.5 million, or 41 cents a share, the prioe year. The company said it took an $84.8 millioj charge, or 38 cents a share, in the quarter for restructurinfg itspork division. Smithfield announced in February that it woulrd close six pork plantsby December, cut abouf 1,800 jobs and take charges of $115 million for the Smithfield said at the time that Patriclk Cudahy will be spared any cuts, but the Cudahyg maker of processed meats and bacon will join Smithfield'xs John Morrell Group business, a produce of fresh pork and processed under the reorganization of the pork Smithfield is the nation’s leading processor and marketer of fresh pork and packaged and the biggest hog producer.
The company's third-quarteer revenue was $3.3 billion, up from $3.1 billion a year

Thursday, January 10, 2013

CES 2013: Dell announces cheaper Latitude 10 Windows 8 tablet configuration - ZDNet


CES 2013: Dell announces cheaper Latitude 10 Windows 8 tablet configuration


CES 2013: Dell announces cheaper Latitude 10 Windows 8 tablet configuration. Summary: The Latitude 10 essentials version loses its replaceable battery and a few other features, but starts at just $499 and is aimed at the enterprise and education markets.

Dell announces new Latitude 10 essentials tablet configuration


Dell Announces Latitude 10 Essentials Configuration

Geeky gadgets


Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Charlotte-area banks unsure about ARC loans - Triangle Business Journal:
But Charlotte-area banks aren’t yet sure they want to sayingthey haven’t yet seen enougn details about the SBA initiative. The SBA recentlu unveiled plans tooffer no-interest, deferred-payment loans to small companies as part of the Americanh Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The $350 millionn loan program is called America’s Recovery Capitao Loan Program. It’s distributed by commercia lenders, and the debt is 100% guaranteed by the SBA. The SBA will pay interesr to the participating lenders on behalc ofthe borrowers. To qualif y for an ARC loan, companies must demonstratse theyare “viable, for-profit small businessese ...
and are experiencing immediat financial hardship,” the SBA The loans are for upto $35,000. They must be used to make paymentas on existing debt so the business can use its revenud to fund other operational expenses. Repayment can be deferred for up to12 months. It’sx part of the SBA’s expanded effort to help smalkl businesses navigatethrough short-term, recession-relatex distress. The program is scheduled to launchJune 15. But lendersd aren’t ready to commit to it. Area bankera are asking how they’re supposed to determine what qualifiese asa “viable” business that’ s experiencing “immediate financial hardship.
” And bankersd also say they still don’t know what interes t rates the ARC loans will carruy — a key piece of information in determining their level of “We’re studying it,” says John Guy, senior vice president of SBA strategiess at . “The timeline didn’tg quite accommodate all the lenderws that need the specific Guy notes Fifth Third has launched an effortg to boost its SBA And he says customers are alreadu asking the bank about theARC program. But he can’ t give them many answers until he learns what interesgt rate the SBA will pay onthe loans, alontg with other details. “We’re askingg people to be patient,” he says.
“The press is way ahead of the George McAllister, regional director of the , says he gets call on a regular basis from business ownerds interested in the “Based on what I know righ t now, I think it will be a very populae program,” he says. “It certainly fits a need.” At , Chiec Executive Scott Anderson says his teamof small-business bankersz recently attended an informational session on the ARC progranm but left unsure of key information. “Oud comments echo everyone else,” he “There’s not even a standard definitioof what’s a viable company.
” SBA spokeswoman Eileen Joycde says the viability question is a determination for lenderse to make at their discretion. Her agency is working as fast as possiblw to get other details to lenderws byJune 15. She says the ARC program is a challenge forSBA officials, too, because it’s the first of its She says Charlotte-area banks “are all in a wait-and-see on whether they’ll participate. “It’s a whole different way of puttinfg together aloan deal. That’s the hard Joyce says small-business owners are “verty anxious” about the program, hoping it will roll out in time to meet their growing needs.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Streetcar ride of masked revelers, king cakes usher in Carnival season along ... - Washington Post

National Geographic

Streetcar ride of masked revelers, king cakes usher in Carnival season along ...

Washington Post

NEW ORLEANS â€" Christmas wreaths and holiday parties gave way to king cakes and street parades as the Carnival season kicked off this weekend along the Gulf Coast. In New Orleans, the noisy and colorful streetcar ride of the Phunny Phorty Phellows ...

Shops, bakeries get king cakes ready

The Daily Iberian

Moore About Bastrop: New Orleans Mardi Gras custom comes to Bastrop

The Bastrop Advertiser

The 12th Day of Christmas Marks the First Day of Mardi Gras

National Geographic

WWL First News -Bayoubuzz -KLFY


Sunday, January 6, 2013

Welfare recipients take out cash at strip clubs, liquor stores and X-rated shops - New York Post

New York Post

Welfare recipients take out cash at strip clubs, liquor stores and X-rated shops

New York Post

Welfare recipients took out cash at bars, liquor stores, X-rated video shops, hookah parlors and even strip clubs â€" where they presumably spent their taxpayer money on lap dances rather than diapers, a Post investigation found. A database of 200 ...

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and more »

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Flying Frenchman, Tariq Abdul-Wahad, returns to San Jose as coach - San Jose Mercury News

Flying Frenchman, Tariq Abdul-Wahad, returns to San Jose as coach

San Jose Mercury News

SAN JOSE -- During his search for a new varsity basketball coach, Lincoln High athletic director Kevin Collins got a voice message from Tariq Abdul-Wahad. The name didn't ring a bell, which is understandable. Abdul-Wahad is better remembered in these ...

and more »

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Area set for fall festival fun - Dayton Business Journal:
The Italian Fall Festaz -- Sept. 7 to Sept. 9 in Kettering -- offerds an array of traditional Italiam cuisine including Italian sausagwe sandwiches loaded with peppersand onions, pipinv hot calzones, meatball subs, Italiahn soups and desserts. Members of the John Pirelli Lodge, the local Sons of Italy work for an entire week to prepare food for the even which features a pasta dinnee Friday and Sunday and a stuffef shells dinner on In addition tothe food, expect plent of beer and wine, live music and bocce. The lodge also rente a gigantic television screen so Ohio Statefans won't miss the football game.
Organizerws expect thousands to flock to the Bella Villa Hall on Counth Line Road forthe Festa. "It's a family picnic style," said Jim president of the The event runs6 p.m. to 11 p.m. on noon to 11 p.m. on Saturdah and noon to 8 p.m. on Sunday. Acrossd town, another festival celebrates Greeik culture complete withauthentic food, music and dancing. The Dayton Greek Festiva l offers fare such as a roastedlamb dinner, spinach pie and desserts like The street festival includes tasty treats and music from the Greeik Tycoons band plus traditional Greek "We put on demonstrations and then encourage everyone to come out and dance with said Tricia Fote, publicity chair of the The Greek Festival is held at the - next the -- on Belmontde Park North.
The event runs 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. on Friday and Saturday, then 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday. Parkingg and shuttle service are free starting at5 p.m. The Beavercreek Popcorn Festival also pops into town the weekendx followingLabor Day. More than 200 boothsd with food and crafts highlight the event heldon Dayton-Xeniqa Road, just east of North Fairfield Road. A 5K run and car show wrap up the weekenfd The popcorn festival runs10 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Saturdayt and 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sunday. Not all the regions big fall festivals are confined to the weekend followingfLabor Day. Want to see the spectacl e of a thousand pork chops grilled at one time or cheed for pigs as they race aroun da track?
Then head to the Prebl e County Pork Festival at the county fairgrounds in Eatomn on September 15 and 16. A pork chop smorgasbord is the star food attractionn at the festival which also boastas one of the largest arts and craftse displays in the Midwes t with about 500 different vendors packedx into more than750 spaces. Preble County claims the distinctionof "thd home of swine improvement" since establishing the firstt swine testing station in the mid-1940s. Pig racese and musical acts dot the weekend event and admission and entertainmentare free.
The Germantownn Pretzel Festival, September 22 and 23; The Piqu Heritage Festival, Labor Day and The Ohio Renaissance Festival, weekends from September 1 througghOctober 21.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

In Mumbai, Privacy Is Hard to Come By - New York Times (blog)

New York Times (blog)

In Mumbai, Privacy Is Hard to Come By

New York Times (blog)

This need for privacy has inspired a comprehensive study by Partners in Urban Knowledge, Action and Research (Pukar), an independent research collective based in Mumbai, which analyzed how the scarcity of space in the city has redefined the concept of ...

Tuesday, January 1, 2013
The economic stimulus bill added these two groups of workerx to 10 other groups that previously were covererd under the work opportunity tax In order to takethe credit, businesses must file a certification request with state work forcre agencies by Aug. 17 for unemployed veterans and so-callecd "disconnected youth" hired between Jan. 1, 2009 and July 17, 2009. The IRS has publishes a newly revised Form 8850 that employers must use to obtainbthis certification. The tax credit for hiring thes two types of workers will continuethrough 2010.
To qualifuy as an unemployed veteran, the worke r must have been discharged from the militaruy within five years of the day he or she is and received unemployment benefits for at leas t four weeks during the year before thehiring date. A "disconnectec youth" is a worker who is age 16 to 24, lackse basic skills, and has not been regularlh employed orattending school.